(NOBLE) The Noble Village Board met in regular session this past Monday night. The Board : approved the payment of all bills as presented, including the second payment request for the Village Park restroom construction project worth $9,000 : adopted the Tax Levy for fiscal year 2023 at $83,250, a 5.3% drop from the previous year levy : noted the Village’s water rate will increase by 5% in January 2024 : noted the Republic Service trash hauling rate will increase by 3% (from $15.11 to $15.57 per month) in January 2024 : adopted the ordinance in regard to the Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act : noted the Republic Services trash pick up for Christmas week will be delayed from Wednesday (12/27/23) to the next day Thursday (12/28/23) : noted that Village Hall in Noble will be closed all day on Friday, the 22nd, and all day on Christmas Day, the 25th, plus also closed at noon on Friday, the 29th, and closed all day on New Year’s Day, January 1st : noted a public hearing for the Sewer Lagoon Repair Grant will be this coming Monday night, December 18th, at 6:45, at the Noble Village Hall, followed by a Special Board meeting at 7:00 : agreed to cancel the next scheduled meeting on December 26th : the Board’s next regular meeting will now be held January 8th, 2024.