(SPRINGFIELD) Many downstate Republicans and others are raising concerns over the Governor’s proposal to eliminate road districts and townships, warning that such a move could lead to higher property taxes and have negative consequences on vital services on the local level. State Senator Chapin Rose and others are arguing that while such a move could lead to more efficiency by local government, the move would instead force municipalities and counties to shoulder additional burdens which could lead to many services being cut or eliminated, such as cemetery maintenance, snow plowing, road repair, and much more.

(SPRINGFIELD) The Illinois Department of Transportation is launching an anti-littering campaign in an effort to reduce trash on the state’s roadways. The “Put a Lid on Litter” campaign on social media is urging the public to help out. IDOT officials say litter along highways is not only unattractive, but it also costs statewide taxpayers millions of dollars each year to clean up. IDOT spent over $7 million for litter pickup in 2023.

(NORMAL) After nearly a year of negotiations on a new contract, members of United Faculty of Illinois State University may be close to authorizing a strike. A marathon 12-hour bargaining session last week with administrators at ISU provided no breakthrough. Union officials say they want better working conditions, funding for work-related travel, and increased access for students to mental health treatment. The school’s current offer includes an annual 2.75 percent salary pool increase, far below the union’s latest request.

(SPRINGFEILD) During the most recent deer hunting season, Hunters Feeding Illinois reports it gave out food to nearly 50,000 downstate families. The organization distributed nearly 26,000 pounds of frozen, ground venison to 54 food pantries across east-central and southern Illinois. Formerly known as the Illinois Deer Donation Program, the Hunters Feeding Illinois initiative expanded this year with increased downstate coverage.