(SPRINGFIELD) In this week’s UDSA Illinois Crop Progress Report, there were 5.5 days suitable for fieldwork on average last week around the state. Illinois’ average temperature was 78.5 degrees last week, 5.3 degrees above normal. The state’s precipitation averaged 1.04 inches last week, 0.22 inches above normal. As of Monday, corn in the dough stage around the state was at 95% (compared to the 5-year average of 89%), corn denting reached 70% (compared to the 5-year average of 63%), and mature corn was at 24% (compared to the 5-year average of 11%). Soybeans setting pods was at 96% (compared to the 5-year average of 91%) and soybeans dropping leaves was at 14% (compared to the 5-year average of 3%). The condition of both crops is still averaging mostly good to excellent, 71% for corn, 68% for beans. Downstate area farmers are reporting some early harvesting of soybeans with some corn being cut for silage. Let’s all remember “safety first” while working outside this fall.