(NEWTON) The Newton City Council met in regular session this past Tuesday night. The Council : accepted two resignations from the Newton Police Department – from Chief Riley Britton effective August 17th, and from Officer Jeremy Haycraft, effective August 11th : agreed to authorize a Grant Management Agreement with South Central Illinois Regional Planning & Development Commission (SCIRPDC) for the Energy Transition Community Grant Phase 2 : approved the $7,400 payment to Viking Industrial Painting for inspection, cleanout, & repairs to the City of Newton’s south water tower : on a 5 to 1 vote, approved two payments for the City’s TIF-funded South Van Buren Watermain Rehab Project – $182,381 to Kieffer Brothers Construction Company and $77,561 to Stone & Waggoner, PLLC : approved the payment of $4,692 to McCarthey Improvement Company for the West Jourdan Street Sidewalk Project : agreed to seek bids for new siding at the Newton City Hall : agreed to vacate the alley between Lots 2 & 3 in Block 17 of the Original Town Subdivision : approved three TIF applications, as recommended by the City’s Finance & Audit Committee – $5,441 to BM Enterprise, $5,000 to Kevin & Amy Short, and $642.50 to Joe’s Italian Foods : agreed to table action on the agreement with IDOT and the Indiana Rail Road for improvements at three crossings in Newton : and adjourned after a 22-minute executive session to discuss potention litigation and personnel : the Council’s next regular meeting will be August 20th.