(NOBLE) The Noble Village Board met in regular session this past Monday night. The Board : approved the payment of all bills as presented : agreed to purchase a double wash station from TSF in Evansville for $520 to be used in the Village Park for future events : noted that letters have been mailed out for nuisance properties in the Village : noted a FEMA Open House to discuss and review flood map information will be held next Wednesday, March 20th, at 4:00, at the Olney Public Library : noted the Village’s Street Committee will soon look over the streets in need of improvement work : is asking the residents to remove all ground decorations from the Noble Cemetery by March 29th : noted an Easter Egg Hunt will be held March 30th, at 2:00, in the Village Park : and reminded everyone that the Primary Election is next Tuesday, March 19th : the next Noble Village Board meeting is March 25th.