At the Olney City Council meeting last night, several key decisions and approvals were made:

  • Bills Payment: The Council approved payment for all bills as presented.
  • Theater Sponsorship: A $20,000 sponsorship was approved in support of the Olney Central College Theater.
  • Water Plant Upgrade: The Council approved a quote of $30,496 for installing a Chlorine Emergency Shutoff at the City Water Plant.
  • Musgrove Park Lights: A bid not to exceed $18,500 was approved for Hinterscher HVAC & Electric to install replacement lights at Musgrove Park.
  • Police Vehicle Purchase: The Council approved the state bid of $49,090 for a new 2025 Ford AWD Police Vehicle from Ford Square in Mt. Vernon.
  • Rezoning for Starbucks: The Council agreed to rezone 4.39 acres at 305 North West Street from R-1 (single-family residence district) to C-2 (commercial district). This site, near the new TrustBank facility and west of the Olney City Park, will be the future location of a Starbucks Coffee Shop.
  • Olney City Park Fencing: While new fencing for Olney City Park was discussed, no action was taken.
  • Reports and Updates: Various reports and status updates were reviewed.
  • Real Estate Agreement: After an executive session, the Council approved a resolution authorizing a letter of intent for a potential real estate agreement.

The next City Council meeting is scheduled for September 23rd.