(SPRINGFIELD) The USDA late last week released its mid-September Illinois Crop Prodcution report : the planted area for corn is estimated at 10.8 million acres, down 4% from last year while the corn area harvested, forecast at 10.65 million acres, is also down 4% from 2023 – based on September 1st conditions, the Illinois corn yield is forecast at 222 bushels per acre, up 16 bushels from a year ago – production is estimated at 2.36 billion bushels, up 4% from last year : the soybean planted area is estimated at 10.8 million acres, up 4% from a year ago, while the harvested area for soybeans is forecast at 10.75 million acres, also up 4% from 2023 – based on September 1st conditions, the Illinois soybean yield is forecast at 65 bushels per acre, up 2 bushels per acre from last year – soybean production in Illinois is forecast at 699 million bushels, up 8% from last year’s numbers.