(OLNEY) The Olney City Council met in regular session last night. The Council : approved the payment of all bills as presented : approved an IDOT resolution for improvement under the Illinois Highway Code for the East Street Bridge project : then approved a resolution to authorize a construction agreement for the East Street Bridge project : approved a Class S Liquor License for the Alaska Lily’s establishment on Whittle Avenue in Olney : agreed to seek bids for the Sanitary Sewer Relining project in Olney : accepted all recommended chemical bids for the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Musgrove Aquatic Center, and the City’s Water Plant : heard various status reports from the elected and appointed city officials : reviewed budget information as presented : and took no action, other than to adjourn, after a short executive session to discuss real property, litigation, negotiations, and personnel : the Council’s next regular meeting will be Tuesday night, April 9th, 2024.